The FCC Choir provides worship music on Sunday mornings during certain liturgical seasons (mainly Advent and Lent.) Rehearsals take place on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. just prior to and during those seasons. Occasionally there is also a call for a "pick-up" choir for a specific Sunday. Watch the weekly e-mail for announcements and information.
Rehearsals for the First Church Chime Choir "Grace Notes" take place occasionally during the program year. Announcements will be made on Sundays and in the weekly e-mail.
The Chalice Hymnal is our primary pew hymnal for congregational singing, however worship music comes from a wide variety of resources.
Be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to God in your hearts, giving thanks to God.
Ephesians 5:18-20
Music is an important part of our heritage and tradition, and is integral to our worship experience. It is the chief means by which the congregation directly participates in the worship service. Music is selected with careful attention to theological and musical integrity, while keeping in mind our diverse nature as a congregation of the United Church of Christ. We are open to a variety of music styles, genres and traditions.
"Grace Notes" Chime Choir
549 Storrs Road
(Junction of Routes 195 & 89)
Mansfield Center, Connecticut
Where Faith Takes Action!