Where Faith Takes Action!
549 Storrs Road
(Junction of Routes 195 & 89)
Mansfield Center, Connecticut
Note: Sarah Kaufold will work with us on two Thursdays
Thursday, 3/13 with Sarah
Thursday, 3/20
Thursday, 3/27
Thursday, 4/3
Thursday, 4/10 with Sarah
Thursday, 4/17 after Maundy Thursday service
Sunday, 3/9 (Lent 1)
pick-up choir - meet at 9:30 Sunday morning to practice
"You Are Welcome Here" by Gerard DeMan
Sunday, 3/16 (Lent 2)
no choir - "Stabat Mater" by Pergolesi (duet by Laurel Thurman and Cheryl Chase)
Sunday, 3/23 (Lent 3)
"Lo Yisa Goy" Israeli Folk Song/arr. Debbie Cavalier
Sunday, 3/30 (Lent 4)
no choir - special music by Howard Drescher
Sunday, 4/6 (Lent 5)
"Pie Jesu; from Requiem" by Andrew Lloyd Webber/arr. John Leavitt
Sunday, 4/13 (Palm Sunday)
"Hosanna, Hosanna We Sing) by Stan Pethel (choir + Worship Circle)
Thursday, 4/17 (Maundy Thursday)
"The Upper Room" by Don Besig & Nancy Price
Sunday, 4/20 (Easter Sunday)
Introit: "Alleluia" by William Boyce (Worship Circle will process with new Paschal Candle)
Anthem: "Risen in Glory" by Douglas Wagner